Honestly, though, the game was phenomenal. You would think that after Utah was up 21-0 in the 1st quarter I would have been rubbing my elbows together, but I think the score made me more nervous. I kept thinking, this is going to really suck if Alabama kicks it up a notch and Utah blows this lead. But Utah just kept pouring it on. I won't lull you non-sports fans with the stats, but lets just say that Utah treated the Tide like they were Cougs. In fact, 90% of the Alabama fans had cleared out of the stadium with four minutes left.
This is us being happy at the end of the greatest game in the history of everything. That counts the time I scored 260,000 on 'Dwarf Throw'.
We ate our faces off. I ate crawfish with every meal. I have never had such great seafood. I take that back, Artic Circle has a pretty good fish sandwich. They trim it into such a nice perfect square.
This was my father and I getting some directions from the guy that was in "Song of the South". This was right after his encore version of "ZipaDeeDoDa"
We paid our respects to all those who have gone before. Marcus is in the back trying to remember what it was he was just doing. He was walking.