According to our blog name this is both Nia and I's state of the art blog page, but I'm sure people were wondering if she really had a husband, since I was never on here. Well I do exist and I am amazing. Anyway, so I just finished school and am finally a real man. Ok, technically I don't finish until we have some sort of private open screening of my documentary at the school, and then I'll be finished. Then no one will be able to tell me I'm no man, because I will have proof. It will be a piece of paper that says "Bachelor's of Communications", and I can just hand it to them and walk off, but not before I get the paper back because that thing costed me like 14 grand (14 G's as Nia would say)
So I'm officially on the market now, so there are any random employers out there looking on this site feel free to make me an offer. It's funny, though, when Nia and I decided to move back here and finish school, I thought that the combination of school full time, working nights, and seeing Nia and Madeline for about 35 minutes a day would be harder to do than find a job after I graduated, but I was wrong. I can't get so much as an interview. Apparently they require more than a 4 year degree to be a surgeon. I don't know why I even bothered now.
Oh yeah. Nia always adds a picture to her posts, so here is a picture of my toe after they permanently removed my toenail.