So we went to
Moab for Skipper's family reunion and it was fun. I have to say that my favorite part was playing games with the adults after the kids had gone to bed. Skipper and I haven't been able to do that in so long with his work, and school schedule. I think that Sunny, and Shilo will have to agree that Mafia was the best part.The only bad part is that the day we got home Madeline got sick with a stomach virus and wouldn't eat anything for 4 days and then hardly ate anything for about another 4 days. I had her 18 month appointment during this time and she always has been a small girl but she was less than the 5% for her age in her weight. Her Dr. reassured me that with stomach virus's babies can drop 1-2 pounds easily. Here are her stats:
Height: 32 inches 50%-75%
Weight: 19 lbs. 12 ounces
I can't remember her head
circum. but she was in the 50%
Her appetite is back and her pants are fitting better so I think we are on our way.
I am happy to say that Skipper is graduated and he got another 4.0 his last semester. Who knew that he had it in him? He has been interviewing with a company in
SLC for about a month and he got the call in
Moab that he got the job. So we got home from
Moab, and between the sick baby and packing (we had to move in a week!!) we weren't able to say goodbye everyone. We aren't very far away so hopefully we will get to see all our friends soon!!
The disk that has my pictures on it is packed somewhere so I will post those soon!!